Start Your Search For A Franchise...

Do Your New Year Resolutions Include a New Career?

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Notebook with the words "New Year, Fresh Start" on table. There is also a cup of coffee on the table with flowers and a pen.
Notepad with wish list and coffee cup. New year's hope and resolution concept - New Year, Fresh Start.
Soulmemoria/Getty Images/iStockphoto

When the clock struck midnight, were you toasting your plans to create a new career in addition to the changing calendar?

Even if your New Year celebrations were subdued, 2022 brings another new year of promise and (dare we say it?) more change. So many jobs morphed or disappeared entirely last year, and those changes modified the workplace that will remain part of our global commerce practices for a long time. Were you impacted in ways that you didn’t like?

Though there are example of those who benefited from pandemic-related professional changes, there is a significant number of people who did not.

Yes, being unable to meet your colleagues or wearing a mask all day was unpleasant. But hey, take some credit for the ways you’ve adapted to a new world. Even if you’ve been kicking and screaming through the last two years, you’ve successfully changed the methods used to communicate, travel, or complete your job requirements.

While the learning curve was steep, the past couple of years have broadened your skills rapidly. And now, you are primed to open a franchise as a part of resolving to improve your work and life this year.

Motivation Matters

"The Great Resignation" shows how people are searching for something better than the pre-pandemic status quo. The majority of those who quit last year were mid-career employees. Why? Because the original idea of climbing the corporate ladder no longer resonated, especially if those employees were subjected to questionable employment practices or unreasonable demands.

For franchisors, these mid-career workers are a boon. Franchisors will appreciate your skills and business acumen, and they know these workers are motivated. If you haven’t quit your job, yet, never fear. You already have years of experience, and your motivation will carry you toward a more satisfying franchise career.

Passion Has a Play, Too

Your reasons for considering a new year of franchising must include passion. It can be a passion for the brand itself or for growing a business, but your desires drive your choices. No one wants to embark on a new venture that has little meaning. First, it’s not engaging and, secondly, it is much less likely to succeed.

So whether you love fitness or travel, narrow your search based on how you’d enjoy spending your new year. You’ll appreciate that sentiment if you were part of the Great Resignation. And if you weren’t, be sure to spend your new year doing something you enjoy and relish.

Given the last couple of years, your passion-based choice may not be industry-based; instead, it might highlight your desire to control your work and personal life. Many franchises offer excellent flexibility in hours, seasons, and time demands. If your true passion is coaching your kids’ baseball team, you can find a franchise match that suits your family-based passion.

Is Now the Time?

Starting on a new venture can be a bit intimidating. Certainly, the entrepreneurial leap into franchising can be fraught with worries. How long will it take for your franchise to make a profit? Where will the money come from for living expenses? These are legitimate concerns, and fortunately, franchisors have a vested interest in your success. As your (even more experienced) business partner, the franchisor will guide you every step of the way. You are ready to embrace your new career as a franchisee.

Your new year’s resolutions for an improved career are reasonable and good. With a franchise, you’ll be your own boss, choose your industry, and balance your personal time. Your motivation and passions will conspire to bring success, and your franchisor will assist, too. And as you take your first step toward a new franchise, enjoy all the blessings of the new year’s promise.

Anne Daniells is a co-owner of Enterprising Solutions, a professional services firm specializing in corporate communication and financial improvement for businesses where she shares decades of corporate and entrepreneurial experience—including franchise ownership—in her writings on business culture. She has authored hundreds of articles for publications including,, and Reach out via her website for more on where corporate culture, communication, and human architecture collide.

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