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Franchise Ownership for Young Entrepreneurs : Getting Started

by Donal Higgins| July, 24, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
Entering the world of franchise ownership can be an exciting yet challenging journey, especially for young entrepreneurs. Franchising offers a unique opportunity to operate a business with the support and guidance of an established brand. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help young entrepreneurs get started with franchise ownership.

Why Home-Based Franchises Are Booming in 2024

by Donal Higgins| July, 10, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
Home-based franchises have experienced a significant surge in popularity in 2024. This trend can be attributed to several factors, including technological advancements, shifting work preferences, and economic considerations. This article explores the reasons behind the boom in home-based franchises and why they are an attractive option for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Allowing Your Gut Feeling to Guide Your Franchise Choice

by Kimberly Crossland| July, 09, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
Use the questions in this post as a guide while doing your due diligence to find the right franchise for you. Although they might seem superficial initially, your gut feelings on them are important to honour and consider.

Top Emerging Franchise Trends in Canada for 2024

by Donal Higgins| July, 05, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
The franchise landscape in Canada is poised for significant evolution in 2024, driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and a growing emphasis on sustainability and wellness. For aspiring franchisees and established franchisors, understanding these emerging trends is crucial to capitalizing on new opportunities and staying competitive in a dynamic market.

What to Consider When Choosing Your Franchise Location

by Kimberly Crossland| June, 04, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
Ask yourself the questions in this post about the area where you’re looking to open your doors before getting too far into the franchise buying process to set yourself up for success.

Franchisee Training: What You Should Expect

by Kimberly Crossland| May, 07, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
Remember, your success as a franchisee feeds the success of your franchisor. To that end, franchisors typically provide these three types of training to get the franchise-related skills of their new franchisees up.

The General Security Agreement: What You Need to Know Before You Start a Franchise

by Kimberly Crossland| April, 02, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
One form Canadian franchisees are required to sign is the General Security Agreement (GSA). This form is important to understand because it impacts what the franchisor can get from you should the relationship go sour as well as what the banks need to lend you any funding you need to purchase assets for the franchise. Here’s what you need to know.

3 Ways to Find the Finances for Your Franchise Venture

by Kimberly Crossland| March, 05, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ..., Finance a Franchise
You want to be thoughtful and intentional about investing in a franchise, which means you want to pull your money from the right sources. Here are the top three ways Canadians fund a franchise.

5 Franchise Options that Aren’t in the Food Industry

by Kimberly Crossland| February, 06, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
When people think of the word "franchise," visions of quick-service restaurants often dance through their minds. However, plenty of other franchises are available. Here are five of the many alternatives to consider.

Should You Start a Franchise With Your Family Members?

by Kimberly Crossland| January, 02, 2024| Blog Hotspot for Franchise News ...
Have you considered starting a franchise with a family member? While the conversations and future financial plans, in theory, seem exciting, there are a few ground rules you’ll want to keep in mind as you embark on this journey together as a family unit.

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