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Why You Should Hire a Mix of Generations for Your Franchise

Different Generations of Men at Work
Business people at work in their office
Minerva Studio/Getty Images/iStockphoto

We’re living in a unique era. Today, there are five generations in the workforce. That’s five generations who have grown up using different technology to get work done, approaching the business world with a different mindset, and working with customers in a different manner.

For many franchise owners, this can be seen as a challenge. We’d like to change that mindset. Here are a few reasons why having access to five generations in the workforce can serve as an asset to your franchise.

You Can Adopt New Ways of Approaching Customer Service

Take a look at a room filled with Millennials and you’ll find a group of people who are constantly connected. This generation grew up with the Internet. Life before email and social media is a blur.
These advancements in technology have changed the way people from all generations connect with others, including companies. Still, the need for personalized, prompt, and professional service remains.
By having Millennials on your team, you can adopt new technology to better connect with your customers. Having a mix of generations enables you to continue to offer the quality of customer service all generations of customers have come to expect.

You Can Fill Your Team With a Range of Skillsets

Universities have shifted their curriculum to adapt to the new generation. Business classes are focusing more and more on entrepreneurship. This has equipped many Millennials who graduate with a different set of skills than those of past alumni from the same University.
What hasn’t changed about college classes is the emphasis on teamwork. Both generations know how to work well with others, which is an asset to your business.
By merging the two generations on your team, you’re able to equip your business with a wide range of skillsets. Encourage collaboration under your business roof to pull out the best skills from each person, and use them in harmony to fuel your overall growth.

You Can Combine Various Interests Into One Game Plan

It’s no secret that Millennials reject the status quo . Millennials gravitate toward the world of entrepreneurship and working in startups because of their excitement when thinking outside the usual mode of operations.
Still, standards became standards for a reason. There are proven ways of approaching business, which is why so many franchises specifically are so successful.
Combining the out-of-box thinking of the Millennial generation with the foundation put in place by baby boomers and Generation X gives you more opportunity to succeed. You’re better equipped with today’s consumer demands but you’re not getting steered so far off course that you neglect the fundamental tasks proven to bring you success.

Ready to Hire?

Hiring Millennials, veterans, Generation Xers, and other generations doesn’t have to feel like a management nightmare. There’s distinct opportunity here if you use each person’s unique skillset to your advantage. Consider the multi-generational approach to hiring in your franchise and you might be surprised by the benefits you see.

Susan Payton is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, a marketing firm specializing in content writing and social media management. She’s written three business books, including How to Get More Customers With Press Releases, and frequently blogs about small business and marketing on sites including Forbes, AllBusiness, The Marketing Eggspert Blog, and Tweak Your Biz. Follow her on Twitter @eggmarketing.

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